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sonreír conjugation exercise in Condicional

to smile
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#1 This verb conjugates exactly as reír with son- added in front of every form
#2 Condicional belongs to the simple tenses group, which means that all of its conjugated forms are one word long. There are also compound (compuesto) tenses in Spanish language, where each conjugated verb form consists of two words.
#3 The verb sonreír in the Condicional tense of the Indicativo mood conjugates following the general conjugation rules for its conjugation group (-ír), although six spelling corrections are necessary. The spelling corrections are in most cases not considered irregularities because they are predictable and often happen only in spelling to match the pronounced forms. For example that includes corrections necessary to keep the same consonant sound before the letters e/i and a/o which influence the pronunciation of c, g, z and others. Other corrections are accent changes, adding or dropping letters, etc.
#4 The basis for this conjugation is the infinitive of this verb, so it’s really simple to create, and only a few exceptions exist.
#5 Use the infinitive sonreír in each person.
#6 Next, add to the infinitive the endings specific to each person.
#7 In this tense we use the exact same endings in each of the three conjugation groups -ar, -er, -ir.
#8 Add the regular ending -ía for the first person singular to create sonreíría:
  • yo sonreíría
#9 An accent removal is necessary here.

Verbs ending in -ír experience a lot of accent moves in several tenses. In tenses Futuro & Condicional the endings are always stressed, so we remove the accent from the infinitive based stem.
#10 So remove infinitive accent to get sonreiría:
  • yo sonreiría
#11 Like in the previous case add the regular ending -ías for the second person singular to create sonreírías:
  • tú sonreírías
#12 An accent removal is necessary here also. We have to remove infinitive accent to get sonreirías:
  • tú sonreirías
#13 And one more time add the regular ending -ía for the third person singular to create sonreíría:
  • él sonreíría
  • ella sonreíría
  • usted sonreíría
#14 An accent removal is necessary here also as in the previous case. We have to remove infinitive accent to get sonreiría:
  • él sonreiría
  • ella sonreiría
  • usted sonreiría
#15 And similarly add the regular ending -íamos for the first person plural to create sonreíríamos:
  • nosotros sonreíríamos
  • nosotras sonreíríamos
#16 An accent removal is necessary here as before. You need to remove infinitive accent to get sonreiríamos:
  • nosotros sonreiríamos
  • nosotras sonreiríamos
#17 And add the regular ending -íais for the second person plural to create sonreíríais:
  • vosotros sonreíríais
  • vosotras sonreíríais
#18 An accent removal is necessary here like in the previous case. You need to remove infinitive accent to get sonreiríais:
  • vosotros sonreiríais
  • vosotras sonreiríais
#19 As before add the regular ending -ían for the third person plural to create sonreírían:
  • ellos sonreírían
  • ellas sonreírían
  • ustedes sonreírían
#20 An accent removal is necessary here as before. You need to remove infinitive accent to get sonreirían:
  • ellos sonreirían
  • ellas sonreirían
  • ustedes sonreirían
#21 Success! The conjugation is now complete!
#22 Click the Reset button to start over
Type in the appropriate conjugation forms for each grammatical person

Translation and additional info


In this exercise we practice conjugation of the verb sonreír in the Condicional tense of the Indicativo mood.

Type the appropriate form for each grammatical person into the input fields. Click Check to verify your answers. Click show next hint to get step by step instructions.

Verb translation:

to smile

Conjugation for the selected tenses and grammatical persons

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Note: This selection influences the choices of verb forms, not the subjects of sentences.

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Formas Simples de Indicativo:


Formas Simples de Subjuntivo:

Formas Compuestas de Indicativo:

Formas Compuestas de Subjuntivo:

Formas No Personales Simples:

Formas No Personales Compuestas:

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