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Frequently Asked Questions - General Topics

help faq how to conjugate spanish verbs

What can I find on this website?

There are four main elements:

  • The Study section contains materials related to the theory of Spanish verb conjugation and grammar:
    • Video presentations
    • Interactive charts
    • Articles and tips
    • Step-by-step conjugation lessons
  • The Exercises section contains interactive activities focused on Spanish verb conjugation and proper use of tenses. All the tests and exercises offer a wide range of configuration options, handy translations and conjugations. You can practice random verbs or focus on a selected one
  • The Conjugation offers conjugation charts for all the Spanish tenses. All the exceptions are distinguished with colors and placing the mouse cursor over an exception displays explanations letting you understand better various special cases
  • The Search is able to:
    • Recognize inflected verbs and find their infinitives
    • Translate Spanish verbs to English
    • Translate English verbs to Spanish
    • Provide convenient links to activities related to the selected verb and the chosen tense

What’s the easiest way to start using this website?

If you know what you are looking for (like a verb or a tense name) then start at the Search page, type in a phrase that interests you and look through results.

Otherwise, go to the Study page and explore the materials there.

The regular usage of our conjugation charts, reverse verb lookup or general search is most convenient with Search Engine Plugins / Search Providers. To add them to the list of search engines in your browser click one or all of the links below. The browser will verify the plugin and ask for confirmation:

  • Reverse Spanish Verb Lookup search engine plugin – for finding verb infinitives based on their inflected forms.
  • Spanish Verb Conjugator search engine plugin – for finding conjugation charts for a given Spanish verb.

Both plugins also support general search. To start using a plugin select it from the dropdown menu in the search box, or configure a keyword.

What’s the best browser to use to view this website?

While we try to make our website work in any browser it’s not an easy task. There are various browsers and each of them has various issues. So we focus mostly on supporting Mozilla Firefox and we recommend using this browser for the best experience with our content.

We definitely do not recommend using Internet Explorer which is very problematic and provides the worst experience according to our tests.

How can I report a problem/mistake, suggest improvements, provide feedback?

There are several ways to submit feedback:

  • The Contact Us page which can always be accessed through the link in the top navigation menu
  • Most pages have a Help us improve feedback form in the bottom-right corner of the screen
  • Most pages have a Report a mistake form at the bottom of the content

Thank you in advance for any suggestions!

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We strive to provide the highest quality content and we greatly appreciate even the smallest suggestions:

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