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Spanish Conjugation Glossary

» Infinitivo (Infinitive)

The infinitivo (English: infinitive) is the most basic for of a verb, not conjugated in any tense, mood or grammatical person.

Spanish infinitives may be easily recognized by their last two letters. There are three possibilities, so we have three conjugation groups:
  • verbs ending in -ar
  • verbs ending in -er
  • verbs ending in -ir
It’s very common to use a Spanish infinitive in the function of a noun.

There are two forms of the infinitive in Spanish:
  • Simple (Spanish: simple – same spelling, different pronunciation)
    The simple form of the Spanish infinitive is one word long. The examples of the simple infinitives are:
    • estar
    • ser
    • venir
  • Compound (Spanish: compuesto)
    The compound forms of Spanish infinitives consist of two words. The first one is the infinitive of the auxiliary verb haber. The second one is the past participle (Spanish: participio) of the main verb. The examples of the compound verbs are:
    • haber estado
    • haber sido
    • haber venido

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