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The form create was not found in our verb database. But we tried our best and stripped off what looks like a pronoun (-te) from its end and then searched for crea. And there was something there! Hopefully useful or interesting:
creerto believe, to think
has an inflected form crea in the first person singular (yo) of the Presente tense, Subjuntivo mood. For example:
yo crea ∼ I believe (subj)
creerto believe, to think
has an inflected form crea in the third person singular (él/ella/usted) of the Presente tense, Subjuntivo mood. For example:
él crea ∼ he believe (subj)
creerto believe, to think
has an inflected form crea in the third person singular (usted) of its Imperativo Afirmativo. Rough translation:
(usted) crea! ∼ (formal you) believe!
crearto create
has an inflected form crea in the third person singular (él/ella/usted) of the Presente tense, Indicativo mood. Could translate to:
ella crea ∼ she creates
crearto create
has an inflected form crea in the second person singular () of its Imperativo Afirmativo. Could translate to:
(tú) crea! ∼ (you) create!
to create is an English verb. Click any of the Spanish translations below to see what we have for these verbs.
crearto create
How to Conjugate Spanish Verbs in Presente

Video Presentation

Watch this Video Presentation to learn about Spanish Verb Conjugation in the Presente (Present) tense, Indicativo mood.

Showing because the following text matches on this page:
  • [...] How to create and use the Present tense in Spanish [...]
  • [...] specific to a particular grammatical person to create this person’s form. Continuing our example, [...]
  • + 6 other matches
How to Conjugate Spanish Verbs in Pretérito Perfecto Simple

Video Presentation

Watch this Video Presentation to learn about Spanish Verb Conjugation in the Pretérito Perfecto Simple (Preterite) tense, Indicativo mood.

Showing because the following text matches on this page:
  • [...] How to create and use the Preterite tense in Spanish [...]
  • [...] specific to a particular grammatical person to create this person’s form. Continuing our example, [...]
  • + 4 other matches
How to Conjugate Spanish Verbs in Condicional Simple

Video Presentation

Watch this Video Presentation to learn about Spanish Verb Conjugation in the Condicional Simple (Conditional) tense, Indicativo mood.

Showing because the following text matches on this page:
  • [...] How to create and use the Conditional tense in Spanish [...]
  • [...] verbs, instead of using their infinitive to create each grammatical person’s form, we use an irregular [...]
  • + 1 other matches
How to Conjugate Spanish Verbs in Futuro

Video Presentation

Watch this Video Presentation to learn about Spanish Verb Conjugation in the Futuro (Future) tense, Indicativo mood.

Showing because the following text matches on this page:
  • [...] How to create and use the Future tense in Spanish [...]
  • [...] verbs, instead of using their infinitive to create each grammatical person’s form, we use an irregular [...]
  • + 1 other matches
How to Conjugate Spanish Verbs in Pretérito Imperfecto

Video Presentation

Watch this Video Presentation to learn about Spanish Verb Conjugation in the Pretérito Imperfecto (Imperfect) tense, Indicativo mood.

Showing because the following text matches on this page:
  • [...] How to create and use the Imperfect tense in Spanish [...]
  • [...] specific to a particular grammatical person to create this person’s form. Continuing our example, [...]
  • + 1 other matches
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  • [...] Create a link to our website. If you have your own [...]
  • [...] website or blog, you could create a link to our home page or any other page that [...]
Ser vs Estar – the Definitive Guide

When to use ser and when to use estar – logical explanations thanks to which you will avoid the need to memorize countless rules, acronyms and exceptions.

Showing because the following text matches on this page:
  • [...] irregularly in every tense. Most of the forms may be created following regular rules like in case of the [...]
  • [...] The progressive tenses are created using an inflected form of the verb estar and [...]

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  • [...] Create a link to our website. If you have your own [...]
  • [...] website or blog, you could create a link to our home page or any other page that [...]
How to Learn Spanish

How to learn Spanish, find Spanish lessons, tutors and even food – these resources will point you to the best places where you can study Spanish online and offline and immerse yourself into the Spanish language and culture!

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  • [...] frequently asked question. To help answer it, we have created a list of interesting resources for learning [...]
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5 comments to Search the Site

  • Very cute website! Found it helpful for the basics

    • prof. Tom Tomatín & team

      Thank you! We’re happy you like it!

      The website is still under development, so more advanced stuff is on its way.

      Happy conjugating!

  • Jen

    Liked the site but the ads on each site cut off the main page, making it hard to play the games I tried (ex. matching). Is there a way to change the view to get the full page covered by ads?

    • prof. Tom Tomatín & team

      Hi Jen! Thanks a lot for your feedback. We will add an option to completely hide both side columns in the Exercises section to gain more space for the central display window, where the games appear.

      • prof. Tom Tomatín & team

        It’s available now – HIDE SIDEBARS button under the NEXT button.

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