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to pass is an English verb. Click any of the Spanish translations below to see what we have for these verbs.
pasarto pass, to pass on, to spend (time), to happen
aprobarto approve, to adopt, to adorn, to award, to confirm, to countenance, to countersign, to endorse, to pass
colarto cut in line, to drain, to elutriate, to pass, to slip, to strain, to tag along
transitarto pass, to travel, to walk
discurrirto concoct, to devise, to flow, to go by, to muse, to pass, to think up
superarto beat, to exceed, to outdo, to outperform, to outplay, to outrange, to outstrip, to pass, to top
Pics from Spain: Prohibido el Paso

“Prohibido el Paso”

Showing because the following text matches on this page:
  • [...] a trekking trail. It translates to: “Do not pass, private estate”. [...]
  • [...] por esta finca, es privada. (It’s forbidden to pass this estate, it’s private) [...]
  • + 2 other matches
Ser vs Estar – the Definitive Guide

When to use ser and when to use estar – logical explanations thanks to which you will avoid the need to memorize countless rules, acronyms and exceptions.

Showing because the following text matches on this page:
  • [...] meaning. So if you are not learning it just to pass an exam and forget, you should actually enjoy [...]
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5 comments to Search the Site

  • Very cute website! Found it helpful for the basics

    • prof. Tom Tomatín & team

      Thank you! We’re happy you like it!

      The website is still under development, so more advanced stuff is on its way.

      Happy conjugating!

  • Jen

    Liked the site but the ads on each site cut off the main page, making it hard to play the games I tried (ex. matching). Is there a way to change the view to get the full page covered by ads?

    • prof. Tom Tomatín & team

      Hi Jen! Thanks a lot for your feedback. We will add an option to completely hide both side columns in the Exercises section to gain more space for the central display window, where the games appear.

      • prof. Tom Tomatín & team

        It’s available now – HIDE SIDEBARS button under the NEXT button.

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